
PFsense - OpenVPN Client Configuration

Last updated by Andrew Mcleod on July 22, 2021 22:07

1. Download your OpenVPN configuration files (Regenerate key files) to your computer.

2. NOTE: you will have to remove the password or have support remove your password from your key files in order for this to successfully work.

If you have OpenSSL installed you can use the following command

openssl rsa -in username.key -out username.keyout use username.keyout going forward, instead of username.key

3. Begin by logging into your PFsenes backend, e.g.

4. Go to System/Cert. Manager/Certificate add a new Certificate

Descriptive name: VPNS-“USERNAME” - put your username without quotations

Certificate data: Open with Notepad the 'YOURUSERNAME.crt' file from the zip you downloaded in step (1) and copy/patse all of the contents from 'YOURUSERNAME.crt' into this field

Private Key dataOpen with Notepad the ‘USERNAME.KEYOUT’ file from step (2) and copy/patse all of the contents from 'USERNAME.KEYOUT' into this field

***REMBER THIS NEEDS TO HAVE THE PASSWORD REMOVED*** contact support if your not sure how.

Click Save

5. Go to System/Cert. Manager/CAs add new CAs

Descriptive name: VPNS-CA

Certificate data: Open with Notepad the 'ca.crt' file from the zip you downloaded in step (1) and copy/paste all of the contents from 'ca.crt' into this field.

Click save.

6. Go to VPN/OpenVPN/Clients add new Client.

Disabled: Unchecked

Server mode: Default

Protocol: UDP

Device mode: tun

Interface: WAN

Local port: Blank

Server host or address: us9.vpnsecure.me or your favorite - You can use the short codes from www.vpnsecure.me/locations

Server port: 1282

***DES-CBC port:1191, AES-128-CBC port:1281, AES-256-CBC port:1282***

Proxy host or address: Blank

Proxy port: Blank

Proxy Auth. - Extra options: none

Server hostname resolution: Unchecked

Description: VPNS-AES-256 or what ever your like

Username: Blank

Password: Blank

TLS authentication: Unchecked

Peer Certificate Authority: VPNS-CA

Client Certificate: VPNS-“YOURUSERNAME” (CA: VPNS-CA)

Encryption Algorithm: AES-256-CBC (256 bit key, 128 bit block)

Auth digest algorithm: SHA1 (160-bit)

Hardware Crypto: ***Only if you CPU supports it***

IPv4 Tunnel Network: Blank

IPv6 Tunnel Network: Blank

IPv4 Remote network(s): Blank

IPv6 Remote network(s): Blank

Limit outgoing bandwidth: Blank

Compression: Enabled Adaptive compression

Topology: Default

Type-of-Service: Unchecked

Disable IPv6: Unchecked

Don't pull routes: Unchecked

Don't add/remove routes: Unchecked

Click Save

7. Go to Interface/(assign) click add.

click on OPT1, Enable and rename the interface to what you like.

Click Save.

8. Go to Firewall/NAT/Outbound select Outbound and click ‘Manual Outbound NAT rule generation.(AON - Advanced Outbound NAT)’ and hit save then apply changes.

Next copy the 4 rules found in the Mappings and assign the rules to OPENVPN_AES256_INTERFACE. Rename the description and save.

Once you have all 4 rules copied save again and apply changes

The VPN should automatically work at this stage, you may want to restart the PFSense box to make sure it comes up on reboot.

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