
Comparison chart - OpenVPN / PPTP / SSH Tunnel

Last updated by Shayne M on July 28, 2013 22:43

  OpenVPN PPTP SSH Tunnel
Info Open-source VPN protocol with modular network design and cross-platform portability; licensed under GNU-GPL Basic VPN protocol, created VPN protocol by Microsoft. Based on PPP and most common protocol across large range of devices  Tunneling protocol that uses SSH for security/encryption and works via TCP
Encryption strength OpenVPN is using OpenSSL with algorithms 3DES, AES, RC5, Blowfish. 128 bit encryption with 2048 bit keys, 2048 bit encryption for control channel (e.g. Key based authentication.) PPTP is using MPPE protocol for encryption, with RSA RC4 algorithm and 128 bit keys L2TP is using IPSec for encryption with 256 bit key for encryption, 3DES/AES algorithm
Usage via client application that needs to be installed supplied by vpnsecure or using *.ovpn config file + user key files if using OpenVPN GUI or other OpenVPN applications 
via device/operating system using built-in client and username+password+server address via device/operating system using built-in client and username+password+server address 
Speed When using OpenVPN UDP decent speeds can be achieved. OpenVPN is usually slower than other protocols when used via TCP, although TCP offers advantages in restricted networks PPTP is generally as fast as OpenVPN but not as reliable.
SSH Tunnel proivdes fast speeds.
Stability Very stable protocol on all kinds of connection (WLAN, wired, mobile) unstable, often caused by compatibility issues with GRE protocol on routers and ISPs Unstable, susceptible to disconnect with short network issues
Supported devices/OS Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, DD-WRT, Tomato Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, DD-WRT, Tomato Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Android, DD-WRT, Tomato
Security OpenVPN does not have any major security issues, it's the protocol of choice. There have been several security vulnerabilities found in Microsofts PPTP implementation, e.g. against dictionary attacks SSH is considered to be secure.
Ports used OpenVPN TCP is using TCP port 443,
OpenVPN  is using UDP port 1191
(can be configured to use other ports on Dedicated IP plans)
PPTP is using TCP port 1723
and GRE Protocol 47
SSH using TCP port 443 
Advantages Best speed and security,
bypass most firewalls and network/ISP restrictions very flexible configuration options and diagnostics
Easy setup/configuration,
good speeds,
supported by largest number of devices
Easy setup/configuration,
bypasses restrictions by networks or ISPs
Disadvantages Less easy to setup than other VPN protocols,
poor support by some mobile devices,
requires to install a client application

Stability may vary depending on network
Does not offer government level security

Easy to be blocked

Stability may very depending on network, Not easily blocked.
Conclusion OpenVPN is the protocol of choice for max. security as well as for speed when connecting via OpenVPN.

PPTP is easy to setup and use with decent speeds, but can result in unstable connections. Less secure than other VPN protocols.

SSH Tunnel usually achieves lower speeds than other protocols, but its ability to bypass network restrictions and strong security make it a good choice.

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