
Using OpenVPN from behind a proxy server

Last updated by Shayne M on May 21, 2013 18:33

You can modify your server configuration files directly to include configuration settings for a local network proxy. In some cases this will be required for users behind university/corporate/public networks.

When connecting behind a http proxy you will only be able to connect to SSL/TCP based server configurations.

Some socks4/socks5 proxies will allow you connect to Regular/UDP based server configurations as well.

The following lines should be added to the end of the server configuration file that you want to use.

Replace "serveraddress" and "8080" with the correct port and server address for your particular network.

For a simple http proxy with no username/password authentication required

http-proxy serveraddress 8080

For a http proxy server with Basic username/password authentication

http-proxy serveraddress 8080 userpass.txt_file basic

 For this method you will need to create your own 2-line userpass.txt file. On the first line place username, on the second place password.

For a socks proxy with no username/password authentication

socks-proxy serveraddress 8080

To disguise the OpenVPN clients user-agent (may help bypass blocks)

http-proxy-option AGENT Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.0;+en-GB;+rv:1.7.6)+Gecko/20050226+Firefox/1.0.1

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