Steam not changing country VPN troubleshooting
Last updated by Shayne M on May 21, 2013 18:29
Please note when using steam using a VPN may violate the TOS of steam, do so at your own risk.
Steps to try first:
- Make sure the VPN is disconnected
- Open steam, browse a few pages in the store.
- Connect to the VPN, browse a few more pages then go to the page you wanted in the first place.
Steps to try when the above fails:
Close and reopen steam.
Open STEAM, disconnect from the VPN, reconnect to the VPN browse around for a bit.
Open Steam with the VPN disconnected, Browse steam, connect to the VPN.
Please do not delete any folders as you may wish to restore them, please re-name them to something else so steam recreates them.
- Change your account profile Country location
- Close Steam (Steam -> Exit) Do not press the "Cross" button, this will minimize the windows to the task bar.
- Rename Program Files\Steam\appcache
- Rename Program Files\Steam\config\htmlcache
- Rename Program Files\Steam\config\cookies
- Rename Program Files\Steam\ClientRegister.blob
- Rename Program Files\Steam\userdata\ - The folder in here will be a random number, rename it to make it recreate.
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