PeerBlock & VPN Compatibility
Last updated by Shayne M on July 22, 2021 22:10
Peerblock is a widely used software - It essentially blocks known bad IPs from connecting to your system.
"PeerBlock is a new version (aka a "fork") of the popular PeerGuardian 2 software. It blocks "known bad" computers from accessing yours, for example governments, corporate entities, and those flagged for anti-p2p activities. PeerBlock maintains the functionality of the original PeerGuardian 2 program, but includes fixes for various issues that remain unaddressed in the latest (~3 year old) version of PG2.
The Peerblock application has a filter called "Bogon" Block list
If using PeerBlock and the Bogon block list, this will stop the VPN from working - because the Bogon filter contains internal network IP's such as for example.
PeerBlock will automatically allow your local network, gateway, DNS & DHCP, but block the DHCP, DNS, Local IP from the VPN network.
At this point in time the solution to resolve this is to disable Bogon Block list.
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